Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dreaming of Jesus

Blogging is much harder for me than I had imagined. It could be that I really like to plan out my thoughts before I share them and I did spend a couple of days writing something on my recent convictions of Motherhood, however I experienced something 2 nights ago that I feel is worth more to blog about before. So I will share the other conviction at another time but for now my conviction happened in my sleep. A dream that was so real that when I woke up I knew I had to remember it so that I could share it with Josh. So last night we were in bed and almost asleep and I remebered I needed to tell him so I did, then after I asked The Lord to reveal to me what he wanted me to learn from that dream and He did. So here is what happened in my dream:

    There were hundreds of people inside of this pavilion (not sure where but it was pretty big) I remember seeing people there that I knew were not believers but I dont remember seeing any believers but I knew the pavilion was filled with Christians because it was announced. Everyone was camping out or just hangin out and all of a sudden a bunch of helicopters were flying over us dropping these black bags. I dont know what was in the bags but if the bag hit you it killed you instantly. I was trying to dodge these bags but at the same time I remember thinking "I have faith that my God will protect me." The helicopters would come in spurts then go away and then I got up and started walking around telling people "Jesus is coming! Jesus is coming!" I specifically remember looking at one of my old friends from highschool, who i know is not a believer, telling him this and him looking at me with a blank stare. I kept telling everyone that passed me then one more helicopter came, dropped some bags and after it left the people who were left lined up in 2 lines with a walkway down the middle and there, walking down that walkway, was Jesus! For real, he looked just like he does in all the childrens bibles, white robe, rope belt, funny looking sandals and long hair with a beard. As he walked through, he started to give us all high fives almost like people would be high fiving at a football game after someone scored a touchdown. He walked down like he was one of us and seemed so proud of the people around him and then I woke up to a tap tap tap of a 3 yr old little boy:)
     The conviction The Lord revealed to me was my shame or embarrassment or hesitance to speak of Him when I know it might be a little uncomfortable. The night of that dream I had spoken to someone (a non believer) and this person was explaining something to me and as they were I thought to myself "only God can heal this"  but I didnt say it. I kept feeling the tug of my heart to speak of Jesus but I didnt because  I was afraid  I would get rejected or not get the response I was looking for. The thing this person was explaining to me was about an illness that Drs. cannot seem to figure out and that is weighing on everybody invloved and for The Lord to place that on my heart at that very time and me ignore it must have been a slap in the face to Him. So my conviction was that I share The word and what I know of Jesus and my faith to those who are seeking it or not seeking it but to obey what the The Lord is placing on my hear to share!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Danielle, that is awesome! Thanks for sharing, I'm sure you will be more brave next time.
