Saturday, January 8, 2011

  • -I usually wake up in the morning and have a craving for a sweet breakfast, like peanut butter toast or cereal, but the last couple of days I have been fine without it. So I am laying in bed in yesterday morning with both kids and I turn the T.V. on for them and  there was Little Bear. Little Bear made me a little irritated. The title of the show was "Little Bears sweet tooth." AWESOME!!! The family had a festival with nothing but desserts and they all looked sooo real! Anyways Little Bear did not  get the best of me however he did get under my skin.

    So aside from that, I am not going to lie (I cheated) last night I had a beer and a glass of wine (ohhh and few bites of cheesecake):/ I had kinda already planned on cheating because we went out for my Birthday. I thought, technically it is my Birthday and if you didn't hear when you are eating things to celebrate yourBirthday...the calories (and yeast) don't count. If you dont believe me then talk to me on your Birthday:) I am not making excuses for my sinful acts and if it makes you feel any better i got a headache after!

    Other than that my regular meals have been according to diet and I am feeling good. The foods i can eat are all foods that i like anyways and are easy to eat as long as I stay creative it the way I prepare them and I have found a good amount recipes that I am excited to try out which I can add to my blogs as I make them. So here are the food to avoid: 

    Yeasty Foods: 

    *Breads, rolls, cookies, pastries, pretzels and other bready foods 

    *Vinegar, and foods which contain it, like mayonnaise, salad dressing, barbecue sauce, mustard, pickles and pickled foods. 

    *Wine, beer and spirits 

    *Fermented foods and beverages like sauerkraut or cider 

    Moldy Foods: 

    *All cheese 

    *Dried, smoked or pickled meats 

    *Cured bacon 

    *Mushrooms, peanuts, and pistachios 

    *Soy sauce, miso, tamari, and tempeh 


    *Pre-packaged herbs and teas 

    *Canned tomatoes 

    Sugary foods: 

    *Processed sugar (granulated, confectioner's, brown) 

    *Grapes, raisins, dates, prunes and figs; citrus fruits 

    *Fruit juices and dried fruits 

    *Soft drinks and drink mixes 

    *Honey and maple syrup 

    *High-fructose corn syrup 


    Starchy foods:limited to 3 or 4 times per week 





    Foods you can eat on a yeast free diet: 

    *Vegetables, vegetables, and more vegetables, especially dark green leafy ones 

    *Beans, of any variety 

    *Meat protein, including beef, poultry, fish and shellfish, and fresh (uncured) pork 


    *Whole grains, including rice, barley, millet, couscous, and buckwheat 

    *Whole grain oatmeal and pasta; corn, rice or spelt pasta 

    *Unprocessed seeds and nuts 

    * Unrefined Vegetable oils (the kind that must be refrigerated)

        1 comment:

        1. i dont know how you do it, the whole section of what not to eat is all i ever eat. i guess thats why i still havent lost the baby weight and feel like crap. maybe i'll give your diet a go. it sounds torturous.
