Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Definition of Conviction

 There are several different ways to define the word conviction with them all meaning the same thing! The one definition  I found that stuck out to me was: 1) an instance of formally being found guilty  of a criminal offense in a court of law or 2) a firmly held belief or opinion.
The reason it stuck out to me was because we often times do or say things because they are socially accepted or not "against the law" and we too often dont think of the real court of law we should follow which is The Bible, with God being our utmost judge! And where do our firmly held beliefs come from? do they come from our parents or our upbringing? or maybe our friends and family, our government or our education? Sometimes we may even get our beliefs and opinions from our media or T.V. But how many times do these beliefs  match up to the Bible? or maybe some of them do but have been twisted and tweaked to conform to 2011! Our God today is the same God we had 2,000 years ago! Thats what is so amazing about him......HE doesnt change! Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. - Hebrews 13:8
     So many things in life can be convicting.....and not in just a bad way but a Godly way.  I had never asked The Lord to show me conviction in my day to day life until a couple months ago when I was convicted to write this blog. Now.... I see conviction everywhere and I love it!!! My latest conviction was my son telling me "Mommy I dont even want this house anymore, I want a house with a yard" my response to him was "oh yea?? do you have the money for this house with a yard?" and he says " no!! but you do!!" What was the topic at church that previous Sunday??? oh yea!!....Thou Shall Not Covet!!! I wonder what these little 3yr old ears had over heard me say in the past?  Maybe......"I'd really like a bigger house with a yard for the kids to play" I love my house and I am extremely Blessed to have what I have but when  I say those words I am speaking to God " what you have given me isnt enough Lord and I WANT MORE" and I have then taught young ears to covet things in life that are way less important than God alone!
     Right now, the hardest convictions, are the ones involving my kids. When The Lord speaks to me through my kids , I cant just let it pass! They are my little shadows and my little parrots and when I see fault in them I have to look at myself and find the fault in myself.  How can I expect my kids to live a Godly life if I am not? Just because the T.V. channel says Disney, doesnt mean my 3 yr old should be watching it! Its time we start leading the example for our kids  and stop letting society raise them!
    I love that I asked The Lord to reveal more conviction in my life and the number one thing he used to convict me was the closest thing to me....my kids!!! This scenario wasnt the only one but the most recent one and it was a complete reflection of what the 10th commandement says not to do which is: COVET! along with all other 9 commandments.  And asking God to open our eyes and hearts to never ending conviction, not of the world but of the truth!


  1. Thankyou so much... I have been moved by this word, and I didn't know why, and your blogg blessed me!!! Even though i'm a couple of years late i feel like you wrote that just for me. God bless you.

  2. This is truly something we all should take heed to for sometimes we say things in front of our kids not even thinking their paying attention to what we're saying thank you do much for the opening of eyes

  3. I just read this today and really find the way to life thru this and as it should still be now!!! and ongoing!
